Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 1- Class 1

My initial reaction to our first class was that this class is going to be very interactive.  Seeing the video camera the moment I walked into the gym, I knew right away were going to have to teach that day.  It caught me off guard a little bit since the last time I had actually taught a class was last, spring semester in my PED 201 class.  I felt my lesson went pretty smoothly considering what I taught was on the spot and coming off the top of my head.  Dr. Yang seemed like a very genuine guy and really into the class so I got the vibe that the class is going to be real fun and teach me a lot about how to teach.  Dr. Yang for the very first class split us up and had us pick basically anything we wanted to teach the class.  The objective of this was to observe and get an idea of what teaching techniques we use when we teach.  At first I was very nervous and did not what to expect but the more people that went, the more comfortable I felt when it was my turn to teach.  I thought this was a good idea for the first class because now we can get an idea of progress we made throughout the semester.  I feel at the end of the semester I will be a completely different teacher than I am right now.

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